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Business Opportunity

Join the latest phenomenon sweeping the world and the Education Industry.
All-in-One Education Centre is offering you an opportunity to join our group and become the owner of your own All-In-One Education Centre in a designated area.
To establish successful All-in-One Education Centres nationwide, in order to equip students with Scientific Learning Systems that compliment their Unique Learning Profiles and teach them which methods to use and which methods not to use.

To equip students to be
• highly effective in their studies,
• have a set direction,
• set- and reach their goals,
• still have time for family/friends.

To determine
• the unique learning profile of each student with genetic profile evaluation
• work out a study method according to this unique profile and then provide a kit
• teach the student how to study according to this unique learning profile through study
method workshop
• afterwards follow-up sessions will be provided

This business opportunity will give you the opportunity of making big profits, with a small capital outlay
This unique system has been thoroughly developed and all the know- how can be passed onto you, after intensive training, are able to go ahead and run your own successful business with the back-up and support from Head Office.

Business Philosophy:
With the vision and mission as focus, we strive to provide affordable quality opportunities for businessmen and -women in South Africa, with the following Goals at heart:

• A definite change in the lives of students in South Africa, not only on academic level but
also regarding their relationship with God and other students

• To earn a good monthly income
• Good turnover on investment

Management Philosophy:
• To maintain good, healthy communication between Head Office and the Satellite Schools
• To treat each other with love and respect, to ensure that there is always a healthy business
relationship amongst each other
• To be loyal towards each other
• To provide each Satellite-owner with the knowledge, know-how during the time span of a
complete training course
• To aid on Administrative basis and level
• Uniformity and consistency on national level

Tested Company owned outlet for more than a year before franchising

The Big Question:
What will it cost to become the proud owner of your own All-in-One Education Centre in a demarcated, licensed area?
Please contact us for detailed pricing information